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Cover for Grey Coloured Wood by SYNX
Cover for Grey Coloured Wood by SYNX

Grey Coloured Wood

Grey Coloured Wood started as a basick daemonstration of a homemade Arduino-based MIDI controller.

Grey Coloured Wood (2024)

Grey Coloured Wood started as a basick daemonstration of a homemade Arduino-based MIDI controller.

I mapped its controls to the filter cutoff and resonance of the main synth. What's interesting about the part is that instead of creating a separate lead and bass synth, I just routed their notes through the same synth. Later, I layered in some pure SIN wave bass to fatten up the sound.

Lastly, I grabbed a chunk from the beginning of Chapter XIII of a free Treasure Island reading. Something about the words "grey coloured wood" sitting there side by side struck me and felt right for the piece.

I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed making this.

– W
